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  • Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 13, 2024

Volume 1 - Issue 9 - June 13, 2024

Trading Commodities for Income

Our strategies at HX Research will rarely trade commodities directly.

That doesn't mean we aren't paying attention to the commodity markets. We just see many more quality setups with individual stocks.

One of the best setups we see is when the stock market looks at movements in the commodity markets and makes assumptions about the stock price.

Some of you may remember earlier this year when we generated some nice income on chocolate manufacturer Mondelez International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ). 

The stock market looked at the rally in cocoa prices and thought it would hurt MDLZ. We did the analysis and came to a different conclusion. Our readers who acted got paid!

We have another one of those types of ideas today.

Here is the idea…

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